Year 25 Bucket List

1. Query my book
2. Travel to somewhere I've never been
3. Kiss a stranger
4. Lose 30 more pounds
5. Read a classic that's on my To Reads list
6. Do a 5k or 10k marathon
7. Get another tattoo
8. Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day
9. Write a letter to my future self
10. Go on a writing retreat
11. Don't fail out of grad school
12. Have my palm read
13. Take myself out on a "date"
14. Be a tourist in my own town
15. Master a video game
16. Go on a road trip to somewhere new
17. Reach my Goodreads reading goal (50 books for 2014)
18. Go a week without eating chocolate
19. Go ghost hunting
20. Cross stitch something
21. Catch up on Supernatural
22. Buy an elliptical or treadmill machine 
23. Upgrade my camera
24. Visit Boston, San Francisco, or Prague
25. Win NaNoWriMo 2014


  1. Palm reading! Let's do palm reading. Oh, and the tourist in my own town thing. I can help with that. :D

    1. Yes! Can we please do the palm reading? And we do still need to take you around Denton!
