Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Two Weeks

I have two weeks left of the semester. Well, actually a week and a half. I have two final essays that I haven't started that are due next Friday and a final project due next Thursday.   I also have a few smaller assignments due between now and then as well. I should be working on all of the above but I keep tweaking the site as a way of procrastinating. I procrastinate so much that one day it will be detrimental to my health or my grades.

I leave for Europe on Monday, May 5th, which is a couple days after my finals are due. And during those couple of days I'll be working. Needless to say, I'm ready to be on the plane and flying away from these responsibilities for a month. I'm also ready for this summer as I'll be taking a break from classes after study abroad. I'm going to try to do Camp NaNoWriMo in July and will be reading whatever I want.

Things I'm loving right now:

  1. Cupcakes. This isn't new love, but I did win a dozen cupcakes from the author Rebecca Petruck and WHAT DIET. 
  2. Marking things off my To Do list. It takes me forever to get things marked off but when I do it's seriously a natural high.
  3. Roswell. Not the town (I've been there. It's a small, boring tourist trap.), but the 90s teen show. I just started watching it as background noise while I work on stuff and now I'm shipping characters and loving the ridiculousness.
  4. This dress:

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